

When mental well-being and physical appearance are interconnected

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When mental well-being and physical appearance are interconnected

We can speak of psycho-dermatology, when skin and psyche interact. We examine the relationship between skin diseases or problems and psychological factors. Psycho-dermatology examines how emotional problems can affect the skin and vice versa. Consumers are focusing on well-being to feel better in body and mind. This trend consists of improving the appearance of their skin and their well-being, thanks to the integration of technologies, partnerships, inclusiveness and personalisation.

1- Harmonising skin and mind

Emotions are both responses to stimuli, but also signals that lead to physical changes. They have an impact on the body and the skin: a faster heart rate, goose bumps, sweating... The skin and the mind are linked, and there is a profound connection between physical beauty and mental well-being. Incorporating relaxation and stress management techniques can improve dermatological results

Our cosmetic solution:
EPS SEAGLOW, the feel-good sugar to use without restriction.


Water-soluble active ingredient derived from depolymerised marine ExoPolySaccharide. This 100% pure sugar has the rare specificity of being sulphated. It is produced in a bioreactor by a micro-organism from the Brittany coast.


  • Improves tissue vascularisation (+11%***) 
  • Promotes the oxygenation process 
  • Improves skin tone


  • Brings out the complexion's radiance for all skin tones
  • Boost optimism and self-esteem (assessment: 2 psychometric questionnaires) to make every day a "Good Skin Day".


2- The role of the microbiota

Each individual's microbiota is unique. What's more, this varies according to the area of the body and age, stress, the environment... The microbiota is essential to the barrier function. In addition, there is an interrelation between the microbiota and the skin. Thus, a microbiota imbalance can have an impact on the skin and vice versa. The brain communicates via neurotransmitters with the skin microbiota and the intestinal microbiota. Similarly, thanks to the extensive vascularisation of these two areas, these two microbiotas communicate;

For example: exposure of the skin to UV rays can modify the microbial diversity of the intestine*.

Our cosmetic solution:
ACTIBIOME, the microbiota-balancing prebiotic.


A water-soluble active ingredient made up of a combination of different components selected to provide a variety of nutrients to help maintain the diversity and balance of the skin's microbiota.


  • A healthy, balanced nutritional intake for the microbiota
  • Rebalances the microbiota against the impact of stress
  • Reinforces the diversity of the microbiota


  • Improvement in skin disorders in 1 week
  • Improves the health (+12%) and beauty of the skin (+13%)


3- Reduce cortisol

Cortisol is a useful hormone in the event of occasional stress, but it can be in excess as part of a stressful lifestyle. This can have an impact on health and disrupt sleep, fatigue, or a deterioration in the quality of life. quality of the microbiota. Controlling stress is therefore important for good health and hormonal balance. Endorphin is a family of peptides produced by the body that mimic the actions of morphine. Associated with pleasure, ß-endorphin is known to combat stress. It is released by the nervous system throughout the body. Stimulating its production has a soothing effect, and limits the harmful effects of cortisol.

Our cosmetic solution :
AREAUMAT PERPETUA, diminue le stress mental via la peau


Water-soluble active ingredient obtained by low-temperature vacuum hydro distillation of Immortelle (Helichrysum italicum). This technique extracts the plant's most delicate aromatic compounds.  


  • Stimulates the production of ß-endorphins
  • Reinforces the skin barrier and protects the skin 
  • Protects the skin from inflammatory reactions


  • Immediate soothing effect, reduces skin reactivity
  • Anti-stress / relaxing effect with -19% cortisol in saliva

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